Here is the finished soap carvings of both turtles. I set them all up in a triangle like formation.
1st change: I put the soap turtle on the stove and cooked it with oil on medium temperature for 8 min.
2nd change: I placed the soap turtle in the microwave for 25 seconds and at this point it looked and felt like a fat marsh-mellow.
3rd change: I cut the soap with an apple cutter but it didn't cut all the way through.
4th change: I added a candle to the messy piece and added the savings on top because it ended up to be kind of flat.
5th change: I added pink paint to the piece because it looked like a cake to me.
6th change: some paint got scraped off and I added pins to the piece. I also took away the candle because half of it melted in the soap because it was still a bit hot from the 2nd change which was the microwave.
7th change: I rolled the whole thing in a ball because of the mess that it was causing and it felt like a silly-puddy or clay. And I took away the pins.
8th change: This is the final change to the soap, I added colorful sprinkles to the rolled up ball that felt like dough. Now it looks like a donut hole or a bouncy ball and feels like a silly-puddy.